10 Ways To Live A Kick-Ass Life:
Lesson 1: Have A Daily Vision
Welcome to Lesson 1: Have A Daily Vision!
In this lesson, you'll embark on a journey of self-discovery through a series of thought-provoking questions designed to uncover your deepest values. After the reflection, immerse yourself in a brief guided meditation to anchor your insights and set the tone for your kick-ass life journey.
Lesson 2: Enjoy The Ride
Welcome to Lesson 2: Enjoy the Ride!
Explore surrendering control and embracing life's flow. Discover how letting go of outcomes fosters progress and joy. Implement this mindset into daily life and enjoy a guided meditation to anchor your journey.
Lesson 3: Create A Morning Power Hour
Welcome to Lesson 3: Create A Morning Power Hour!
Discover the importance of charging your frequency for positivity with a morning routine. Take actionable steps to cultivate mindfulness daily, followed by a guided meditation to set the tone for your day.
Lesson 4: Talk Less, Listen More
Welcome to Lesson 4: Talk Less, Listen More!
Explore the importance of active listening to deepen connections and understanding. Engage in an action step to enhance your listening skills, followed by a guided meditation to foster empathy and connection.
Lesson 5: Feel Okay To Say No
Welcome to Lesson 5: Feel Okay To Say No!
Discover the power of setting boundaries and embracing discomfort to prioritize self-care. Engage in an action step to practice saying no when necessary, followed by a guided meditation to cultivate inner strength and clarity.
Lesson 6: Ditch Analysis Paralysis
Welcome to Lesson 6: Ditch Analysis Paralysis!
Learn to overcome overthinking and embrace imperfection for effective decision-making. Engage in an action step to conquer analysis paralysis, followed by a guided meditation to cultivate clarity and confidence in your choices.
Lesson 7: Stop Slapping The Snooze Button
Welcome to Lesson 7: Stop Slapping The Snooze Button!
Explore how hitting snooze impacts your commitment and sets the tone for your day. Engage in an action step to establish consistent sleep and wake times for healthier habits, followed by a guided meditation to promote restful sleep and mindful awakening.
Lesson 8: Eliminate Visual Clutter
Welcome to Lesson 8: Eliminate Visual Clutter!
Discover the transformative power of decluttering your physical and digital spaces. Learn how a clear environment fosters clarity of mind and long-term success. Engage in an action step to declutter your life, followed by a guided meditation to set the tone for a focused and mindful decluttering journey.
Lesson 9: The Right Stressors
Welcome to Lesson 9: The Right Stressors!
Explore how specific stressors, at the right time, cultivate resilience in both body and mind. Learn to create a smart stressor program for daily implementation. Engage in an action step to design your personalized stressor routine, followed by a guided meditation to promote balance and resilience.
Lesson 10: Ask For Help
Welcome to Lesson 10: Ask For Help!
Discover the transformative power of seeking support rather than navigating life alone. Learn about the law of reciprocity and the benefits of collaboration and vulnerability. Engage in an action step of self-reflection and journal prompts to embrace the power of receiving, followed by a guided meditation to cultivate openness and connection.
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